If you can’t tell by my latest series of posts – a long dress that hides your figure + you don’t have to think of a top or bottom for, just happens to be my choice of outfit these days. Not only is it forgiving but it allows you to consume an upward of 2000 calories in a meal without feeling bad. Fash Focused has been my one stop shop for all things modest. You too – should check them out!

You’ll see that most of my looks for Ramadan are all from Fash Focused. Check out all my social media platforms to see the various fits.

Photography by: MJH Studios

Website: https://mjhstudios.ca/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjh_studios/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/studiosmjh/

Outfit by: https://www.fashfocused.com/en-ca